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powered by NetLogo


This multi-agent model implements the immunity-based algorithm BCA (B-Cell Algorithm) that is inspired by the clonal selection principle. This algorithm is used for the generation of coalition structures and selection the best one during the predefined maximum number of generations. Every coalition will then be used for the elimination of specific oil spill. The model is used for the elimination of max. three types of oil spills.


1. Setup the slider: nrCleaners (= number of autonomous agents that will eliminate oil spills)

2. Setup types of oil spills that will be eliminated by autonomous agents of the type Cleaners
- lightOilSpill: not so serious oil spill (low level of density)
- mediumOilSpill: middle level of seriousness and density
- heavyOilSpill: very dangerous type of oil spill (high level of density)

3. Setup size of repertoire (= population), i. e. number of coalition structures (antibodies)

4. Setup number of generations for running the model (how many steps the model will run)

5. Setup mutation rate for one randomly selected clone (metadynamics)

6. Click on the button SETUP after setting the above mentioned parameters of the model

7. Possibility 1: If you click on the button STEP (Control elements), the model will stop after each generation.
Possibility 2: If you click on the button GO, the model will go until the maximum steps (generations) is reached.

See the main output area that offers results.

Shape of the coalition structure of each generation is depicted in the monitor "Solution of x-th generation". Quality of the coalition structure of each generation is depicted in the monitor "Quality of solution of x-th generatio".

Final solution (shape of the coalition structure) is depicted in the monitor "finalMaxCStructure". Quality of the final solution is depicted in the monitor "finalMaxSolution".

Quality of coalition structure of each generation is visualized with the aid of two graphs (Changes in restrictions and Changes in sources).

<Next monitors and buttons>:
"Requirements for subtasks": You can see requirements for elimination actual types of oil spills.

"Label for CS": This monitor represents identity of coalition

Button "Change position of agent(s)": This button can be used for changing the position of agents Cleaners that are visible in the "World of NetLogo" - "Visualization of result in x-th generation". Click on the button, drag and drop the selected agent Cleaner.
Button can be used only if the parameters of the model are set up and STEP or GO button is activated.


Martina Husáková
University of Hradec Králové
Faculty of Informatics and Management
Department of Information Technologies
Hradec Králové, Czech Republic